Little Guys Have Big Bellies Too: V
By: Swift

It was just starting to get dark as Drake pulled into the driveway. He grabbed two large bags of groceries off the back seat pushed the door shut with his hips. Drake wasn’t the most attractive man in the world, not bad looking either, just often over looked when out on the prowl with his better looking friends, he often made do with the guys Tyson would turn down. He had been sharing this house with Tyson now for a few years and found that the large man attracted lots of hot guys, so there was always someone for Drake to play with. He kinda liked the arrangement.

He walked into the kitchen and put the groceries down on the bench. It was then that he noticed Jace.

Jace was sprawled out on the hard kitchen floor, his pre-stud shirt open so his flat six-pac abs were clearly visible, one arm up over his head was handcuffed to the pipes under the sink. Drake shrugged and knelt down next to Jace.

Drake gently shook Jace’s shoulders.

“Wake up man, kitchens is no place to sleep.”

Jace blinked and opened his eyes. He looked up into Drake’s eyes and smiled.

“Hey there.”

Jace tried to sit up, but then noticed he was handcuffed, that’s when he remembered what had happened. He looked down at his flat belly, his free hand rubbing over it.

“Ah fuck, not again.”

Drake frowned. “Not what again?”

Jace looked back at Drake. “Um, nothing, don’t worry about it.” He looked up at his cuffed wrist wondering how he was going to get out of that.

Drake stood up and walked over to a draw, opening it he took out a paperclip and went back over to Jace, kneeling down near Jace’s wrist he un-bent the clip.

“It’s Jace isn’t it?”

Jace watched, curious to see if this guy could pick the lock. He blinked.

“Yeah... have we meet?”

Drake nodded as he worked the tip of the clip into the lock and twisted it around. Drake had fallen in love with the smaller man at first sight, but wasn’t at all surprised that Jace hadn’t noticed him at all.

“At a party about a month ago. I’m Drake. Tyson’s flatmate.”

A loud click noise sounded from the handcuffs and they sprung open. Jace sat up and rubs his now free wrist.

“Oh, yeah, I remember you. I went looking for you to have a chat, but I found you busy fucking some guy in a dark corner, so I left you to it.”

Drake blinked in surprise, he wasn’t used to being noticed or remembered.

“Um, so, where’s Tyson and Corey? Didn’t they have you over for lunch or something?”

Jace looked down at his flat belly. He hadn’t meant for that to happen, another best friend digested. He was starting to wonder if he could have a relationship with anyone and not end up eating them. He looked back into Drake’s eyes.

“There gone.”

Drake frowned, he had noticed Jace look down at his belly, Drake staered at Jace’s belly now. Corey had told him and Tyson stories about Jace, he had just assumed Corey was talking up some party trick or something.

“Gone? You... didn’t... did you?”

Jace stood up and shrugged. “Wasn’t what I had planned... just kinda happened.”

Drake was still on the floor, he reached up a hand and put it to Jace’s belly. Feeling the heat of the hot little man.

Jace frowned. “What are you doing?”

Drake blushed deeply and pulled his hand away and stood up. “Um, sorry... just... I don’t know... its kinda amazing and hot and scary at the same time.” Drake looked into Jace’s eyes. “Are you going to eat me too?” There was a hint of excitement in his voice along with fear.

Jace shrugged. “Well, I could, sure, but I’m not really hungry... busting for a piss. The body is 80 percent water after all.”

Drake reached out and took Jace’s hand and lead him to the bathroom. Jace chuckled.

“Now what are you up to?”

Drake grinned. “Helping you out.” Drake unzipped Jace’s jeans and reached his hand inside, wrapping it around the large cock he could feel in there. “Or don’t you need help?”

Jace moaned as he felt the hand on his member. He wasn’t sure where this was going, but he had long ago decided that if he was having fun to go with it, and he was having fun.

Drake pulled Jace’s cock out and was amazed, it was at least 9 inches soft. “Wow man.” Jace grinned as Drake aimed his cock at the toilet bowl. Jace was now really busting and he just let it flow. He never had worked out where his bladder held all the water without making his gut bloat out, but he didn’t care. Drake aimed Jace’s cock as the short man pissed about 80 gallons of water away.

Drake stood behind Jace, hugging him and holding his cock. “Man, I’d like to see you eat someone... So did you eat your lunch before you ate the guys?”

Jace finally finishes pissing and frowns. “Lunch?”

The End

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